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== Animated Computing 2013 ==
== Animated Computing 2014 ==
=== Instructors ===
=== Instructors ===
Line 5: Line 5:
==== Professor: ====
==== Professor: ====
   Dr. Thomas Trappenberg   <br \>
   Dr. Thomas Trappenberg (tt@cs.dal.ca)  <br \>
   Office: Room 4216 in Mona Campbell Building on Coburg RD (main) and Room 313 in Goldberg building (office hour) <br \>
   Office: Room 4216 in Mona Campbell Building on Coburg RD <br \>
   Office hour: TBA
   Office hour: write email
==== Teaching Assistants: ====
==== Teaching Assistants: ====
   Farzaneh Sheikhnezhad Fard <fr405057@dal.ca> <br \>
  Ian Graven <in460410@dal.ca> <br \>
  Leah Brown <lbrown@cs.dal.ca> <br \>
  Michał Lisicki <michallisicki@gmail.com> <br \>
  Paul Hollensen <paulhollensen@gmail.com> <br \>
  Rohan Bhargava <bhargava@cs.dal.ca>
=== Course Description ===
=== Course Description ===
==== About the Modules ====
There are two modules that will be covered in the class: robotics and game design. Each module comprises 18 lectures and 12 labs. In the lectures and the first six labs you will be introduced to a new technology and explore it by following step by step procedures and answering questions along the way. The remaining labs consist of five project periods and a presentation period. During the project periods you and your group will develop a project, using the technology that you explored in the tutorials.  
The Animated Computing course is a hands-on introduction to two areas of computer science, robotics and game design. Students will program robots to solve a variety of tasks and design animated computer games. Students will learn about the challenges that a robot faces when interacting with the world around it and the challenges that we face in designing and programming the robots. Students will also learn about computer game design and how to implement simple but interesting animated computer games. Students will investigate both the hardware and software aspects of robotics and design, implement, and play-test basic computer games. Students will also learn how to apply the empirical method to investigate various aspects in robotics and game design.
==== Lab Reports ====
Classes will be structured in a lecture/lab format and divided into two modules: Game Design and Robotics. During the lectures students will be introduced to the concepts and underpinnings of robotics and game design. The laboratory portion will be devoted to hands-on work in a group. Groups will work together for the duration of a module.
For each lab, each group will need to fill out a lab report using the following [[Media:labreport.pdf|lab report form]]. Each team member who attended the lab must sign the form. Please remember to complete the additional questions specified in the course notes or by the instructor.
==== Project Write-up ====
=== Learning Outcomes ===
• Describe how an event driven system works.
• Describe and justify what constitutes a good game.
• Implement a game using integrated media presentation authoring software.
• Identify the challenges in designing and implementing games.
• Design a simple animated game.
• Use sensors and actuators in a robotics applications.
• Use states and transitions to model the behaviour of a system.
• Apply various techniques to identify and recover from faults.
• Program a robot to accomplish tasks of moderate complexity.
• Identify some of the challenges in robotics and mechanisms for overcoming these challenges.
• Formulate a question that can be answered via a study, experiment, or project.
• Apply various methods, tools, and techniques to conduct a study, experiment, or project.
• Analyze resulting data and relate it to theoretical and foundational knowledge.
• Describe factors that may adversely affect the study, experiment, or project.
• Identify future directions in various technologies and computer science fields.
• Work with peers on a shared project.
• Write a technical report describing and justifying the design and implementation of a project.
For each module in the course you will prepare a short project paper describing your project.  Your project and project write-up will be evaluated and graded.
=== Announcements ===
Free ESL (English as Second Language) workshops
To help with your project write-up and reviews, please refer to the instructions in the respective module. Project write-ups must be submitted in both hard copy and soft copy. The hard-copy must be handed-in in the class following the project presentation.
==== Robotics Module ====
The Career & Leadership Development Centre will be hosting a Summer Job & Career Fair on Wednesday February 5 from 11-3pm in the McInnes Room, Student Union Building.
===== Tutorials =====
=== Course Material ===
There are [[Media:robotics.pdf|six tutorials]] for the Robotics Module. In these tutorials you will use a Tribot from Lego Mindstorms NXT kit.
[[Media:gamedesign.pdf|Game design tutorial]]
You will need to download the program [[Media:SensorProbe.zip|SensorProbe.rbt]] for Tutorial 2.  You will need to download the program [[Media:DisplayTimerValue.zip|DisplayTimerValue.rbt]] for Tutorial 3.
[[Media:labreport.pdf|Lab report]]
===== Project =====
[[Media:game_project.pdf|Game project specification]]
The project consists of three events in which your Tribot will participate. For each of the events you will need to write a program for your tribot. The [[Media:robotics_project.pdf|project specification]] contains the specifications for each event and how your project will be graded.
[[Media:TechnicalManualTemplate.docx|Technical Manual Template]]
===== Project Report =====
[[Media:UserManualTemplate.docx|User Manual Template]]
The project write-up for this module is a project report describing your programs and justifying their design. The [[Media:robotics_project.pdf|project specification]] describes the report's content, structure, and format.
[[Media:LabReportGame1.docx|Lab report template for L07]]
The following [[Media:Robotics_Report_Template.docx|template]] sets the format and structure of the report. You only need to fill in the content.
[[Media:LabReportGam2.docx|Lab report template for L08-L11]]
==== Game Design Module ====
[[Media:robotics_tutorial2014.pdf|Robotics tutorial]]
===== Tutorials =====
There are [[Media:GameDesign.pdf|six tutorials]] for the Game Design Module. For all of the tutorials you will use Flash.
[[Media:robotics_project2014.pdf|Robotics project decription]]
The end result of these tutorials will be a Brick Breaker Game similar to [[Media:brickBreaker.zip|this]].
===== Project =====
=== Schedule (tentative; can change) ===
The project for this module is to create a game given a basic framework for a flight-based game. The [[Media:game_project.pdf|project specification]] contains the requirements for the game and the project will be graded.
The starting point for the game can be found in this [[Media:game_project.zip|zip file]], which contains all the basic objects and code needed to start developing your game.
{| class="wikitable"
===== Project Report =====
The project write-up for this module comprises a technical and a user manual. The manuals describe the implementation and use, respectively, of your game. The [[Media:game_project.pdf|project specification]] describes the manuals' content, structure, and format.
The [[Media:UserManualTemplate.docx|user manual template]] sets the format and structure of the user manual, and the [[Media:TechnicalManualTemplate.docx|technical manual template]] sets the format and structure of the technical manual.
=== Schedule ===
| Jan 14 || Characterizing Sensors ||
| Jan 16 || Using Sensors and Actuators ||
| Jan 21 || State Transition Diagrams ||
| Jan 23 || Dealing with Failure ||  
| Week || Monday || Tuesday || Wednesday || Thursday || Friday
| 1 || Jan 6<br \>[[Media:C01.pdf|C01]] || Jan 7<br \> L01 || Jan 8<br \> [[Media:C02.pdf|C02]] || Jan 9<br \> L02 || Jan 10 <br \> [[Media:C03.pdf|C03]]
| Jan 28 || Variables and Threads ||  
| 2 || Jan 13<br \>[[Media:C04.pdf|C04]] || Jan 14<br \> L03  || Jan 15<br \> [[Media:C05.pdf|C05]] || Jan 16<br \> L04 || Jan 17 <br \>Quiz 1
| Jan 30 || Project Planning ||  
| 3 || Jan 20<br \> [[Media:C06.pdf|C06]]|| Jan 21<br \>L05 || Jan 22<br \> Snow Day || Jan 23<br \>L06 || Jan 24 <br \> [[Media:C07.pdf|C07]]
| Feb 1 || 4 Munro Day - University closed ||  
| 4 || Jan 27<br \> [[Media:C08.pdf|C08]]|| Jan 28<br \> L07 || Jan 29<br \> [[Media:C09.pdf|C09]] || Jan 30<br \> L08 || Jan 31 <br \>Quiz 2
| Feb 4 || Using State Transition Diagrams ||  
| 5 || Feb 3<br \>[[Media:C10.pdf|C10]]/[[Media:C10b.pdf|C10b]] || Feb 4<br \> L09|| Feb 5<br \> [[Media:C11.pdf|C11]] || Feb 6<br \> L10 || Feb 7<br \> Munro Day <br \> University closed
| Feb 6 || Debugging ||  
| 6 || Feb 10<br \>[[Media:C12.pdf|C12]] || Feb 11<br \> L11|| Feb 12<br \> Review of Game Design module || Feb 13<br \> PP|| Feb 14<br \> Quiz 3
| Feb 8 || 5 ||  
| 7 || Feb 24 <br \> [[Media:C12.pdf|C12]]|| Feb 25<br \> L01|| Feb 26<br \> [[Media:C13.pdf|C13]] || Feb 27 <br \> L02 || Feb 28<br \>
| Feb 11 || Threads, Interference, and Other Topics ||  
| 8 || Mar 3<br \>[[Media:C14.pdf|C14]] || Mar 4<br \> L03|| Mar 5<br \>  [[Media:C15.pdf|C15]]|| Mar 6<br \> L04|| Mar 7<br \> Quiz 4
| Feb 13 || Project Management ||  
| 9 || Mar 10<br \>[[Media:C16.pdf|C16]] || Mar 11<br \> L05|| Mar 12<br \> [[Media:C17.pdf|C17]]|| Mar 13<br \> L06  || Mar 14<br \>
| Feb 15 || 6 ||  
| 10 || Mar 17<br \>[[Media:C18.pdf|C18]][[Media:C21.pdf|C21]] || Mar 18<br \>L07|| Mar 19<br \> [[Media:C19.pdf|C19]] || Mar 20<br \> L08|| Mar 21<br \> Quiz 5
| Feb 18 || Introduction to Game Architecture  ||  
| 11 || Mar 24<br \>[[Media:C20.pdf|C20]] || Mar 25<br \>L09 || Mar 26<br \> No Class || Mar 27<br \> L10|| Mar 28<br \>
| Feb 20 || Classes, Objects, and Events ||  
| 12 || Mar 31 <br \>  Review Robot || Apr 1<br \> L11|| Apr 2 <br \> NO CLASS || Apr 3<br \> PP || Apr 4<br \> Quiz 6
| Feb 22 || 7 ||
| 13 || April 7 <br \>  Review Game  <br \> Report due
| March 4 || Movement and Collision Detection ||
| March 6 || Player Movement ||
| March 8 || 8 ||
| March 11 || Play Testing ||
| March 13 || High Level Game Design ||
| March 15 || 9 ||
| March 18 || Implementation Details ||
| March 20 || Projectiles ||
| March 22 || 10 ||
| March 25 || Buttons and other Controls || 
| March 27 || Polish ||
| March 29 || 11 ||
| April 1 || Outlook
| April 3 || Outlook
| April 5 || 12
Notes and references:
{| class="wikitable"
C08 taken from http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mechanical-engineering/2-000-how-and-why-machines-work-spring-2002/tools/management.pdf
! Week 1
! Sunday<br/>01/6/2013 <br/>
! Monday<br/>01/7/2013<br/>Course introduction
! Tuesday<br/>01/8/2013<br/>
! Wednesday<br/>01/9/2013<br/>Introduction to Robotics
! Thursday<br/>01/10/2013<br/>Robotics Tutorial 1
! Friday<br/>01/11/2013<br/>
! Saturday<br/>01/12/2013<br/>
! Week 2
! Sunday<br/>01/13/2013 <br/>
! Monday<br/>01/14/2013 <br/>
! Tuesday<br/>01/15/2013 <br/>
! Wednesday<br/>01/16/2013 <br/>
! Thursday<br/>01/17/2013 <br/>
! Friday<br/>01/18/2013 <br/>
! Saturday<br/>01/19/2013 <br/>
! Week 3
! Sunday<br/>01/20/2013 <br/>
! Monday<br/>01/21/2013 <br/>
! Tuesday<br/>01/22/2013 <br/>
! Wednesday<br/>01/23/2013 <br/>
! Thursday<br/>01/24/2013 <br/>
! Friday<br/>01/25/2013 <br/>
! Saturday<br/>01/26/2013 <br/>
! Week 4
! Sunday<br/>01/27/2013 <br/>
! Monday<br/>01/28/2013 <br/>
! Tuesday<br/>01/29/2013 <br/>
! Wednesday<br/>01/30/2013 <br/>
! Thursday<br/>01/31/2013 <br/>
! Friday<br/>02/1/2013 <br/>
! Saturday<br/>02/2/2013 <br/>
! Week 5
! Sunday<br/>02/3/2013 <br/>
! Monday<br/>02/4/2013 <br/>
! Tuesday<br/>02/5/2013 <br/>
! Wednesday<br/>02/6/2013 <br/>
! Thursday<br/>02/7/2013 <br/>
! Friday<br/>02/8/2013 <br/>
! Saturday<br/>02/9/2013 <br/>
=== Grading Scheme ===
=== Grading Scheme ===
==== 20% Robotics Project ====
=== Evaluation ===
Project Evaluation (50% of project mark)
==== 20% Game Design Project ====
    Due at start of the project presentation lab.
  Project Evaluation (50% of project mark)
    Each group submits three programs designed to participate in the “Robot Olympics”.  
      Due the day before the project presentation lab.
    All members of the group are assigned the same mark for the project.  
      Each group submits the game that they have designed. All members of the group are assigned the  
      same mark for the project.  
Project Report (50% of project mark)
  Project Report (50% of project mark)  
      Due Monday, February 24, in class to be collected at the start of the class.
      Each group submits a user manual and a technical manual describing their project and all members
      of the group are assigned the same mark for the papers.
    Due Monday, October 22, 8:35am (in class).
==== 20% Robotics Project ====
    Each group submits a single report describing their project and all members of the group are assigned the same mark for the paper.
==== 20% Game Design Project ====
Project Evaluation (50% of project mark)
  Project Evaluation (50% of project mark)  
      Due at start of the project presentation lab.
      Each group submits three programs designed to participate in the “Robot Olympics”.
      All members of the group are assigned the same mark for the project.
    Due at start of the project presentation lab.
  Project Report (50% of project mark)
    Each group submits the game that they have designed. All members of the group are assigned the same mark for the project.
      Due Monday, April 7, 3pm (instructor’s office)
      Each group submits a single report describing their project and all members of the group are  
Project Report (50% of project mark)
      assigned the same mark for the paper.
    Due Wednesday, December 4, 8:35am (instructor’s office).
    Each group submits a single report describing their project and all members of the group are assigned the same mark for the paper.
==== 10% Lab Reports ====
==== 10% Lab Reports ====
    At the end of each tutorial and project work period each group submits a brief lab report detailing what they accomplished, who  
  At the end of each tutorial and project work period each group submits a brief lab report detailing  
    was present, and answering a number of specified questions. (See course notes for lab report forms.) All members of the group are
  what they accomplished, who was present, and answering a number of specified questions. (See course  
    assigned the same mark.
  notes for lab report forms.) All members of the group are assigned the same mark.
==== 20% Quizzes ====
==== 20% Quizzes ====
    There are 6 quizzes that evaluate knowledge of course content learned both in lectures and labs.
  There are 6 quizzes that evaluate knowledge of the course content learned both in lectures and labs.
==== 30% Final Exam ====
==== 30% Final Exam ====
    There will be a two hour final exam that will be scheduled by the Registrar.\
  There will be a two hour final exam that will be scheduled by the Registrar.
==== Notes: ====
==== Notes ====
    All project submissions are to be done via the Moodle (http://moodle.cs.dal.ca). Only one member of the group needs to submit.  
  All project submissions are to be done via email to prof1106@cs.dal.ca. Only one member of the  
    This group member must be enrolled in the CSCI1106 course on the Moodle site.
  group needs to submit.  
    No late submissions accepted except in cases of documented, university approved reasons.
    To pass the course students must pass the individual component of the evaluation comprising the bi-weekly Quiz and Final exam portion of the marks.
    A student’s project evaluation may be lowered if they do not contribute sufficiently to the project.
    Grades will be assigned using the letter grade scale in Section 17.1 of Dalhousie Academic Calendar.
    The instructor reserves the right to adjust a student’s evaluation criteria, with the student’s consent, if the instructor deems than an adjustment is warranted.
=== Learning Outcomes ===
• Use sensors and actuators in a robotics applications. <br \>
  No late submissions accepted except in cases of officially documented, university approved reasons.
• Use states and transitions to model the behaviour of a system. <br \>
  To pass the course students must pass the individual component of the evaluation comprising the bi-weekly
• Apply various techniques to identify and recover from faults. <br \>
  Quiz and Final exam portion of the marks.
• Program a robot to accomplish tasks of moderate complexity. <br \>
• Identify some of the challenges in robotics and mechanisms for overcoming these challenges. <br \>
• Describe how an event driven system works. <br \>
  A student’s project evaluation may be lowered if they do not contribute sufficiently to the project.
• Describe and justify what constitutes a good game. <br \>
  Grades will be assigned using the letter grade scale in Section 17.1 of Dalhousie Academic Calendar.
• Implement a game using integrated media presentation authoring software. <br \>
  The instructor reserves the right to adjust a student’s evaluation criteria, with the student’s consent,
• Identify the challenges in designing and implementing games. <br \>
  if the instructor deems than an adjustment is warranted.
• Design a simple animated game. <br \>
• Formulate a question that can be answered via a study, experiment, or project. <br \>
== Student Accommodation ==
• Apply various methods, tools, and techniques to conduct a study, experiment, or project. <br \>
• Analyze resulting data and relate it to theoretical and foundational knowledge. <br \>
• Describe factors that may adversely affect the study, experiment, or project. <br \>
• Identify future directions in various technologies and computer science fields. <br \>
Students may request accommodation as a result of barriers related to disability, religious obligation, or any
• Work with peers on a shared project. <br \>
characteristic under the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act. Students who require academic accommodation for either classroom participation or the writing of tests and exams should make their request to the Advising and Access Services Center
• Write a technical report describing and justifying the design and implementation of a project. <br \>
(AASC) prior to or at the outset of the regular academic year. Please visit www.dal.ca/access for more information and to obtain the Request for Accommodation Form A.
A note taker may be required as part of a students accommodation. There is an honorarium of $75/course/term (with some exceptions). If you are interested, please contact AASC at 494-2836 for more information.
Please note that your classroom may contain specialized accessible furniture and equipment. It is important that these items remain in the classroom, untouched, so that students who require their usage will be able to participate in the class.
== Academic Integrity & Plegarism ==
== Academic Integrity & Plegarism ==

Latest revision as of 19:39, 26 March 2014

Animated Computing 2014



 Dr. Thomas Trappenberg (tt@cs.dal.ca)  
Office: Room 4216 in Mona Campbell Building on Coburg RD
Office hour: write email

Teaching Assistants:


Course Description

The Animated Computing course is a hands-on introduction to two areas of computer science, robotics and game design. Students will program robots to solve a variety of tasks and design animated computer games. Students will learn about the challenges that a robot faces when interacting with the world around it and the challenges that we face in designing and programming the robots. Students will also learn about computer game design and how to implement simple but interesting animated computer games. Students will investigate both the hardware and software aspects of robotics and design, implement, and play-test basic computer games. Students will also learn how to apply the empirical method to investigate various aspects in robotics and game design.

Classes will be structured in a lecture/lab format and divided into two modules: Game Design and Robotics. During the lectures students will be introduced to the concepts and underpinnings of robotics and game design. The laboratory portion will be devoted to hands-on work in a group. Groups will work together for the duration of a module.

Learning Outcomes

• Describe how an event driven system works.
• Describe and justify what constitutes a good game.
• Implement a game using integrated media presentation authoring software. 
• Identify the challenges in designing and implementing games.
• Design a simple animated game.
• Use sensors and actuators in a robotics applications.
• Use states and transitions to model the behaviour of a system.
• Apply various techniques to identify and recover from faults.
• Program a robot to accomplish tasks of moderate complexity.
• Identify some of the challenges in robotics and mechanisms for overcoming these challenges.
• Formulate a question that can be answered via a study, experiment, or project.
• Apply various methods, tools, and techniques to conduct a study, experiment, or project. 
• Analyze resulting data and relate it to theoretical and foundational knowledge.
• Describe factors that may adversely affect the study, experiment, or project.
• Identify future directions in various technologies and computer science fields. 
• Work with peers on a shared project.
• Write a technical report describing and justifying the design and implementation of a project.


Free ESL (English as Second Language) workshops


The Career & Leadership Development Centre will be hosting a Summer Job & Career Fair on Wednesday February 5 from 11-3pm in the McInnes Room, Student Union Building.

Course Material

Game design tutorial

Lab report

Game project specification

Technical Manual Template

User Manual Template

Lab report template for L07

Lab report template for L08-L11

Robotics tutorial

Robotics project decription

Schedule (tentative; can change)

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 Jan 6
Jan 7
Jan 8
Jan 9
Jan 10
2 Jan 13
Jan 14
Jan 15
Jan 16
Jan 17
Quiz 1
3 Jan 20
Jan 21
Jan 22
Snow Day
Jan 23
Jan 24
4 Jan 27
Jan 28
Jan 29
Jan 30
Jan 31
Quiz 2
5 Feb 3
Feb 4
Feb 5
Feb 6
Feb 7
Munro Day
University closed
6 Feb 10
Feb 11
Feb 12
Review of Game Design module
Feb 13
Feb 14
Quiz 3
7 Feb 24
Feb 25
Feb 26
Feb 27
Feb 28
8 Mar 3
Mar 4
Mar 5
Mar 6
Mar 7
Quiz 4
9 Mar 10
Mar 11
Mar 12
Mar 13
Mar 14
10 Mar 17
Mar 18
Mar 19
Mar 20
Mar 21
Quiz 5
11 Mar 24
Mar 25
Mar 26
No Class
Mar 27
Mar 28
12 Mar 31
Review Robot
Apr 1
Apr 2
Apr 3
Apr 4
Quiz 6
13 April 7
Review Game
Report due

Notes and references:

C08 taken from http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mechanical-engineering/2-000-how-and-why-machines-work-spring-2002/tools/management.pdf

Grading Scheme


20% Game Design Project

  Project Evaluation (50% of project mark) 
     Due the day before the project presentation lab.
     Each group submits the game that they have designed. All members of the group are assigned the 
     same mark for the project. 
  Project Report (50% of project mark) 
     Due Monday, February 24, in class to be collected at the start of the class. 
     Each group submits a user manual and a technical manual describing their project and all members 
     of the group are assigned the same mark for the papers.

20% Robotics Project

  Project Evaluation (50% of project mark) 
     Due at start of the project presentation lab.
     Each group submits three programs designed to participate in the “Robot Olympics”. 
     All members of the group are assigned the same mark for the project.
  Project Report (50% of project mark)
     Due Monday, April 7, 3pm (instructor’s office)
     Each group submits a single report describing their project and all members of the group are 
     assigned the same mark for the paper.

10% Lab Reports

  At the end of each tutorial and project work period each group submits a brief lab report detailing 
  what they accomplished, who was present, and answering a number of specified questions. (See course 
  notes for lab report forms.) All members of the group are assigned the same mark.

20% Quizzes

  There are 6 quizzes that evaluate knowledge of the course content learned both in lectures and labs.

30% Final Exam

  There will be a two hour final exam that will be scheduled by the Registrar.


  All project submissions are to be done via email to prof1106@cs.dal.ca. Only one member of the 
  group needs to  submit. 
  No late submissions accepted except in cases of officially documented, university approved reasons.
  To pass the course students must pass the individual component of the evaluation comprising the bi-weekly 
  Quiz and Final exam portion of the marks.
  A student’s project evaluation may be lowered if they do not contribute sufficiently to the project.
  Grades will be assigned using the letter grade scale in Section 17.1 of Dalhousie Academic Calendar.
  The instructor reserves the right to adjust a student’s evaluation criteria, with the student’s consent, 
  if the instructor deems than an adjustment is warranted.

Student Accommodation

Students may request accommodation as a result of barriers related to disability, religious obligation, or any characteristic under the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act. Students who require academic accommodation for either classroom participation or the writing of tests and exams should make their request to the Advising and Access Services Center (AASC) prior to or at the outset of the regular academic year. Please visit www.dal.ca/access for more information and to obtain the Request for Accommodation Form A.

A note taker may be required as part of a students accommodation. There is an honorarium of $75/course/term (with some exceptions). If you are interested, please contact AASC at 494-2836 for more information. Please note that your classroom may contain specialized accessible furniture and equipment. It is important that these items remain in the classroom, untouched, so that students who require their usage will be able to participate in the class.

Academic Integrity & Plegarism

(Based on the sample statement provided at http://academicintegrity.dal.ca. Written by Dr. Alex Brodsky.)

Please familiarize yourself with the university policy on Intellectual Honesty. Every suspected case will be reported.

At Dalhousie University, we respect the values of academic integrity: honesty, trust, fairness, responsibility and respect. As a student, adherence to the values of academic integrity and related policies is a requirement of being part of the academic community at Dalhousie University.

What does academic integrity mean?

Academic integrity means being honest in the fulfillment of your academic responsibilities thus establishing mutual trust. Fairness is essential to the interactions of the academic community and is achieved through respect for the opinions and ideas of others. Violations of intellectual honesty are offensive to the entire academic community, not just to the individual faculty member and students in whose class an offence occurs. (see Intellectual Honesty section of University Calendar)

How can you achieve academic integrity?

• Make sure you understand Dalhousies policies on academic integrity.

• Give appropriate credit to the sources used in your assignment such as written or oral work, com- puter codes/programs, artistic or architectural works, scientific projects, performances, web page designs, graphical representations, diagrams, videos, and images. Use RefWorks to keep track of your research and edit and format bibliographies in the citation style required by the instructor (http://www.library.dal.ca/How/RefWorks)

• Do not download the work of another from the Internet and submit it as your own.

• Do not submit work that has been completed through collaboration or previously submitted for another assignment without permission from your instructor. • Do not write an examination or test for someone else.

• Do not falsify data or lab results.

These examples should be considered only as a guide and not an exhaustive list.

What will happen if an allegation of an academic offence is made against you?

I am required to report a suspected offence. The full process is outlined in the Discipline flow chart, which can be found at: http://academicintegrity.dal.ca/Files/AcademicDisciplineProcess.pdf and in- cludes the following:

1. Each Faculty has an Academic Integrity Officer (AIO) who receives allegations from instructors.

2. The AIO decides whether to proceed with the allegation and you will be notified of the process.

3. If the case proceeds, you will receive an INC (incomplete) grade until the matter is resolved.

4. If you are found guilty of an academic offence, a penalty will be assigned ranging from a warning to a suspension or expulsion from the University and can include a notation on your transcript, failure of the assignment or failure of the course. All penalties are academic in nature.

Where can you turn for help?

• If you are ever unsure about ANYTHING, contact myself.

• The Academic Integrity website (http://academicintegrity.dal.ca) has links to policies, defini tions, online tutorials, tips on citing and paraphrasing.

• The Writing Center provides assistance with proofreading, writing styles, citations.

• Dalhousie Libraries have workshops, online tutorials, citation guides, Assignment Calculator, Ref- Works, etc.

• The Dalhousie Student Advocacy Service assists students with academic appeals and student discipline procedures.

• The Senate Office provides links to a list of Academic Integrity Officers, discipline flow chart, and Senate Discipline Committee.

Request for special accommodation

Students may request accommodation as a result of barriers related to disability, religious obligation, or any characteristic under the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act. Students who require academic accommodation for either classroom participation or the writing of tests and exams should make their request to the Advising and Access Services Center (AASC) prior to or at the outset of the regular academic year. Please visit www.dal.ca/access for more information and to obtain the Request for Accommodation – Form A.

A note taker may be required as part of a student’s accommodation. There is an honorarium of $75/course/term (with some exceptions). If you are interested, please contact AASC at 494-2836 for more information.

Please note that your classroom may contain specialized accessible furniture and equipment. It is important that these items remain in the classroom, untouched, so that students who require their usage will be able to participate in the class.