Revision as of 23:03, 9 April 2013 by Tt (talk | contribs) (→An MLP with backpropagation for solving the XOR problem)
Basic restricted Boltzmann machine to learn letter patterns
clear; nh=100; nepochs=150; lrate=0.01; %load data from text file and rearrange into matrix load pattern1.txt; letters = permute( reshape( pattern1, [12 26 13]), [1 3 2]); %%train rbm for nepochs presentations of the 26 letters input = reshape(letters,[12*13 26]) vb =zeros(12*13,1); hb =zeros(nh,1); w =.1*randn(nh,12*13); figure; hold on; xlabel 'epoch'; ylabel 'error'; xlim([0 nepochs]); for epoch=1:nepochs; err=0; for i=1:26 %Sample hidden units given input, then reconstruct. v = input(:,i); h = 1./(1 + exp(-(w *v + hb))); %sigmoidal activation hs= h > rand(nh,1); %probabilistic sampling vr= 1./(1 + exp(-(w'*hs+ vb))); %input reconstruction hr= 1./(1 + exp(-(w *vr+ hb))); %hidden reconstruction %Contrastive Divergence rule: dw ~ h*v - hr*vr dw = lrate*(h*v'-hr*vr'); w = w +dw; dvb = lrate*( v - vr ); vb= vb+dvb; dhb = lrate*( h - hr ); hb= hb+dhb; err = err + sum( (v-vr).^2 ); %reconstruction error end plot( epoch, err/(12*13*26), '.'); drawnow;%figure output end %%plot reconstructions of noisy letters r = randomFlipMatrix(round(.2*12*13)); %(20% of bits flipped) noisy_letters = abs(letters - reshape(r,[12 13 26])); recon = reshape(noisy_letters, 12*13, 26); %put data in matrix recon=recon(:,1:5); %only plot first 10 figure; set(gcf,'Position',get(0,'screensize')); for i=0:3 for j=1:5 subplot(3+1, 5, i*5 + j); imagesc( reshape(recon(:,j),[12 13]) ); %plot colormap gray; axis off; axis image; h = 1./(1 + exp(-(w *recon(:,j) + hb))); %compute hidden hs= h > rand(nh,1); %sample hidden recon(:,j) = 1./(1 + exp(-(w'*hs + vb)));%compute visible recon(:,j) = recon(:,j) > rand(12*13,1); %sample visible end end function r=randomFlipMatrix(n); % returns matrix with components 1 at n random positions r=zeros(156,26); for i=1:26 x=randperm(156); r(x(1:n),i)=1; end
An MLP with backpropagation for solving the XOR problem
clear; N_i=2; N_h=2; N_o=1; w_h=randn(N_h,N_i); w_o=randn(N_o,N_h); % training vectors (XOR) r_i=[0 1 0 1 ; 0 0 1 1]; r_d=[0 1 1 0]; % Updating and training network with sigmoid activation function for trial=1:5000; r_h=1./(1+exp(-w_h*r_i)); r_o=1./(1+exp(-w_o*r_h)); % error over all pattern d(trial)=0.5*sum((r_o-r_d).^2); % training d_o=(r_o.*(1-r_o)).*(r_d-r_o); d_h=(r_h.*(1-r_h)).*(w_o'*d_o); w_o=w_o+0.7*(r_h*d_o')'; w_h=w_h+0.7*(r_i*d_h')'; end plot(d)
Using libsvm for classification
clear; close all; figure; hold on; axis square %% training data and training SVM r1=2+rand(300,1); a1=2*pi*rand(300,1); polar(a1,r1,'bo'); r2=randn(300,1); a2=.5*pi*rand(300,1); polar(a2,r2,'rx'); x=[r1.*cos(a1),r1.*sin(a1);r2.*cos(a2),r2.*sin(a2)]; y=[zeros(300,1);ones(300,1)]; model=svmtrain(y,x); %% test data and SVM predicition r1=2+rand(300,1); a1=2*pi*rand(300,1); r2=randn(300,1); a2=.5*pi*rand(300,1); x=[r1.*cos(a1),r1.*sin(a1);r2.*cos(a2),r2.*sin(a2)]; yp=svmpredict(y,x,model); figure; hold on; axis square [tmp,I]=sort(yp); plot(x(1:600-sum(yp),1),x(1:600-sum(yp),2),'bo'); plot(x(600-sum(yp)+1:600,1),x(600-sum(yp)+1:600,2),'rx');
Program for the chain example using policy iteration
% Chain example: Policy iteration % Parameters clear; N=10; P=0.8; gamma=0.9; % Reward function r = zeros(1,N) - 0.1; r(1)=-1; r(N)=1; % Initiality random start policy and value function policy = ceil(2*rand(1,N)); policy(1)=2; policy(N)=1; Vpi = rand(1,N); Vpi(1)=r(1); Vpi(N)=r(N); for iter=1:3 % Estimate V for this policy for i=1:10 for s=2:N-1 snext = s-1+2*(policy(s)-1); sother = s+1-2*(policy(s)-1); Vpi(s) = r(s)+gamma*(P*Vpi(snext)+(1-P)*Vpi(sother)); end end %Updating policy for s=2:N-1 [tmp, policy(s)] = max([Vpi(s-1),Vpi(s+1)]); end end plot(Vpi);